
Saturday, February 18, 2006

CSI Bear: Assault with Deadly Felting (Contains Images That May Not Be Suitable for All Ages)

You may remember this bear from a previous post, where the victim looked something like this:

Forensic analysis indicates that the victim was bound using makeshift restraints, and immersed repeatedly in scalding and freezing water, concurrent with repeated, sustained traumatic surface abrasion with a cleaning agent, as can be seen in these crime scene photographs.

Evidence collected at the scene of the crime suggest that the bear was bound using makeshift restraints and arranged in this pose post-mortem.

Identifying features were obscured due to the violence of the crime, but creative reconstruction rendered these images.

The bear in question has yet to be identified. Anyone with information about this bear or any other details of this felting incident should leave comments here. The public is warned that the perpetrator is believed to be a repeat felter and should be considered dangerous.


At 1:53 PM, Blogger Knittypants said...

Ouch! Poor teddybear. Your coronet looks really good, I like the color you chose.

At 5:41 PM, Blogger Michele said...

This post had me howling! I also liked the earlier 'roadkill' passage. Who knew knitting was so blog-worthy. (Shows you what I know.)


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